Viking Rowing Club South Africa
A Lifetime of Fellowship 
There are three types of membership:
1. Full Membership: gives you access to all club facilities and equipment, affiliation to GRA & ROWSA, voting rights and regular use of more than twice a month. this membership can also be upgraded to to two or more family members ar a nominal cost. Annual Fee: R2 500-00 & family R1 750-00

2. Student Membership: Students retain most privileges of full membership though with ought voting rights. However, there fees are 50% of that of full membership and apply to students registered with any recognised secondry or tertiary educational institution. Annual Fee: R1 854-00

3. Social Membership: This membership is extended to members that infrequently make use of the club and its facilities and is also extended to thouse that have rowed for Vikings in the past. the club has a large databace of freinds and commrads and occasially keeps everone up-to-date vith news and events. Annual Fee: R450-00